An online course from The Dragontree

Sacred Expansion

Sacred Expansion is all about eliciting a deeper connection to your own wisdom and guidance, and your capacity to be truly in love with your life. Sacred because it connects you to your soul’s wisdom.  Expansion because it helps free you from the self limiting beliefs keeping you from being the fullest version of you.

A Guided Journey

Sacred Expansion a journey of personal growth that’s empowering, supportive, and filled with so much heart.

Online & Always Available

Every other day, Briana will deliver a lesson that you can access from any device, anytime, anywhere.

Why Sacred Expansion?

We believe in this process so much that it is the first part of our Dragontree Life Coach and Illuminator training. And we want it to be available to everyone, not just our Coaches, because we’re passionate about our mission to “seed the world with centered, peaceful, and healthy people”.

This online course will transform you

The biggest shift in my own happiness, sense of peace, confidence, and ability to cut through the superficial drama in life to see what’s real has been through the act of deep personal inquiry. Asking questions, getting curious, and examining the beliefs and habits that were driving my life. I realized I can’t release what’s holding me back until I bring it front and center in my awareness – I have to see it to shift it. I call this Sacred Expansion. Sacred Expansion provides a path we can walk down again and again as we keep refining, deepening and expanding into our fullest expression of love and light.

Heather Wade

Sacred expansion is like a crash course in being a better human. I think so often, as adults, we stop examining what we do and what we say in a meaningful way – we get so steeped in assumptions and learned behaviors, and patterned thinking, that we forget there are other ways to look at things. This is challenging self-work, but at the same time, Sacred Expansion is so gentle, so loving, it’s almost as though the lessons and questions are hugged into you, they are absorbed so sweetly, so completely without judgment or blame or shame. It’s a constant reminder that what we do, we all do.

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How Does It Work?

Every other day – for 8 weeks – you’ll receive a video lesson. Each lesson will be accompanied by reflective questions to journal, meditation practices or other exercises to help you clear baggage and tune into your inner compass. Along with your video lessons, you’ll also receive a pdf workbook; this is a place to complete all the lessons, journal about your experiences, and refer back whenever you feel challenged.

You can complete the workbook online, print and complete the pages by lesson, or print it out and bind it as a sacred place for all your deep work.  

In addition to the prerecorded lessons, you’ll meet with me, Briana, every other week for a live video chat where we can address questions and challenges that might come up for you and the group. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live – it’ll all be recorded and sent to you.

Having these instructions every other day allows you to turn this into a devotional practice. If you’ve had trouble creating discipline for yourself this is a really helpful and pleasurable way to make space for it. 

I present the lessons according to the rhythms of the seasons. Looking at our lives from the perspective of the cycles of the four seasons, you’ll start to feel these rhythms in your own life and allow them to inform you in a way that creates more flow and harmony:

Fall - Releasing what doesn’t serve you

This part of the course guides you to release and let go of bad habits, unexamined beliefs, negative thoughts, and resentments. Consider trees in the fall- they release everything that’s not serving them, and bring all their energy back into their center, their core, and concentrate on strengthening roots. It all starts with clearing away what isn’t serving us.

Winter - Descent and Stillness

This is where we integrate all the parts of who we are and learn to forgive ourselves and others. When you think about how land lies fallow between seasons, allowing the soil to rest so it can better nourish the next crops, you can imagine that you too need time to have rest between growth and harvest. Only when you create space can something new come in.

Spring - Your vision and gifts

This stage is where you bring your potential into action. Now you’ll start to see what’s emerging from all of your growth. Remember that you aren’t going to burst from the soil as a full grown tree. Your vision starts as a tender new shoot that needs to be tended to and protected from life’s weeds that try to steal our energy and focus.

Summer - Opening and grounding

Summer is all about opening your heart, cultivating self trust, and learning how to move through your life with a deep sense of trust and grounded calm. The summer sun doesn’t withhold it’s light. This is where you practice shining your own light more fully for yourself and the world.

Kimberly Pendleton

Understanding my own process reflected in the seasons- letting go in the fall, deepening in the winter, blooming in the spring, enjoying the warmth in the summer… was just so comforting and inspiring. It made me feel that it’s okay and natural to be going through things over and over, because there’s a larger cycle at work. We don’t release everything and then we’re done forever, we’ll come back to autumn and release the next layer. After completing the Sacred Expansion work I realized I’d built this new way of thinking about my life and my connection to nature that I’ll always carry with me.”

We Begin on August 29th

Sacred Expansion is all about eliciting a deeper connection to your own wisdom and guidance, and your capacity to be truly in love with your life. This process can help you get unstuck, choose relationships that nourish you, work that inspires you, and create a life that brings out the very best version of you. Don’t hesitate. You’re going to love this. This is your invitation to join usand see what’s really possible in your life.

Sacred Expansion Begins on August 29th

Sacred Expansion is now available for a $797 investment in yourself.
(interest free payment plans are available!)
Our happiness guarantee: We care about your experience and your success, so if you participate fully and aren’t completely satisfied within 30 days, we’ll return your money in full.

Frequently Asked Questions

The program runs for 8 weeks beginning on Tuesday, August 29th. Every other day, I’ll share a short video (no more than 15 minutes) and some excercises to complete. You should plan on spending 5-10 hours a week working on this program

We will also have live calls (each about 90 minutes long) on the afternoons 8/29, 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, and 10/24.  If you can’t make a live call, that’s ok! A recording of each will be available in your member portal.

If you don’t finish on time, that’s okay! You’ll have access to the course and the Facebook group for life. You can continue to work and graduate on your own timeline. 

Yes! We are planning to offer the full program again in the Fall of 2023. We recommend subscribing to the Dragontree’s newsletter to be kept up to date on future offerings.

Absolutely! When you get to your cart at checkout there will be options listed there, with the flexibility to customize your down payment and terms to match your needs.

Do you have any additional questions?  Contact us now